Bought 2 pumpkins just in case we mess 1 up

Had my 2nd visit to the dermatologist today because my eczema isn't getting any better. The doctor changed my medication from the Hydrocortisone cream (0.2%) to a Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP (0.1%) and Hydroxyzine HCL 10mg tablets.

Did some grocery shopping while I waited for my prescription to be ready and bought 2 pumpkins and some Ornamental Gourds in preparation for Haloween.

I also got some organic leeks, spring onions, and celery to try and regrow from scraps. Like the bak choy that I have regrown and transplanted into my pallet raised bed then die on me, I would be regrowing these either indoors or in a pot under a shade.


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