Halloween Costume: Doctor Who (Twelfth Doctor) and his Tardis

So anyone who knows me personally would know that I am a huge Doctor Who fan. I have the Tardis sticker on my bedroom door at some point, a Tardis shirt and dress, Tardis laptop cover, Tardis bracelet, Tardis cap and to add to my collection, Alberto made me a Tardis headband that lights up.

This year's Haloween theme was Science Fiction. Naturally, Alberto and I decided to go as Doctor Who and the Tardis.

You don’t “steer” the TARDIS! You *negotiate* with her! The still point between where you want to go and where you need to be. That’s where she takes you. 
 ~ The Doctor

My Doctor with his supersonic screwdriver

My first doctor is the 10th. My favourite doctor is the 11th. How did I end up with the 12th Doctor? lol


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